Spend or Save: Should I Pay Off My Mortgage or Invest for Retirement? (2024)

Trying to decide between eliminating debt and investing for the future is a difficult decision. For many families, this choice often comes in the form of paying down their mortgage (the biggest debt they’ll probably ever have) or saving for retirement. Both are laudable goals, but which should come first?

Key Takeaways

  • If you’re going to put extra money toward your mortgage, it’s usually better to do it early, such as within the first 10 years.
  • It's also better to start saving for retirement early, so you can reap the benefits of compound interest over a longer period of time.
  • As a general rule, the younger you are, the more you should prioritize your retirement savings over your mortgage.

Paying Down Your Mortgage First

Let's say you’re finally in the home stretch with a mortgage you took out years ago. It’s been a long haul, and you’re tempted to pay it off in one final payment and finally be free and clear—or, at least, accelerate your payments a little to be done sooner.

While it may seem tempting to pay down your mortgage near the end, it’s actually better to do so at the beginning. Although you make the same size payment each month (assuming you have the proverbial 30-year fixed-rate mortgage), most of your money in those early years is going toward interest and doing little to reduce the loan's principal.

So by making extra payments early on—and reducing the principal on which you're being charged interest—you could pay considerably less in interest over the life of the loan. The same principles of compound interest that apply to your investments also apply to your debts, so by paying down more of your principal early, the savings are compounded over time.

By contrast, in the later years, your payments are going more toward the loan principal. Paying more won’t reduce your total interest burden as quickly; it’ll just build your equity in the home faster (and shorten the loan term overall). Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but we’re looking for the best uses for your money.

Paying Down Your Mortgage Example

So let’s assume it’s still the early days for your mortgage—within the first decade. Let’s say you have a 30-year fixed $200,000 loan at a 4.38% rate; that amounts to a lifetime interest charge of $159,485 if you pay the usual 12 times a year. Make that a lucky 13 payments each year, though, and you save $27,216 in interest overall. If you kicked in an extra $200 each month, you’d save $6,000 in 10 years, $50,745 in 22½ years—and you’d have the mortgage paid off, too.

Other Mortgage Considerations

Saving money on interest is not the worst idea in the world. But mortgage interest is not the same as other types of debt. It’s tax-deductible if you itemize deductions on your income tax return. In 2022, you can deduct home mortgage interest on the first $750,000 of a loan secured by your home ($375,000 if married filing separately). For home mortgage debt incurred before Dec. 16, 2017, you can deduct home mortgage interest on the first $1 million of indebtedness ($500,000 if married filing separately).

If you need something to reduce the amount you owe Uncle Sam, the mortgage might be worth keeping.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 nearly doubled the standard deductions allowed. This eliminated the need for many taxpayers to itemize their deductions and led many homeowners to forego using the mortgage interest tax deduction.

If you have an adjustable-rate or other non-standard mortgage, paying down the mortgage—even if it’s later in the game when you’re paying off a greater portion of principal—can be an advantage. Building equity in a home that is financed by an adjustable-rate loan will make it easier for you to refinance to a fixed-rate mortgage if you ever decide to.

Also, if local real estate values are tanking, if people in your area are seeing little appreciation—or even depreciation—in their homes, paying down a mortgage is a way to keep from going underwater (owing more than your home is worth). That could make it difficult for you to sell the home, refinance it, or obtain other credit.

Funding Your Retirement First

Unfortunately, while it’s better to pay a mortgage off, or down, earlier, it’s also better to start saving for retirement earlier. Thanks to the joys of compound interest, a dollar you invest today has more value than a dollar you invest five or 10 years from now. That's because it will be earning interest—and the interest will be earning interest—for a longer period of time. So each year you delay saving for retirement will hurt you a disproportionate amount.

For that reason, it generally makes more sense to save for retirement at a younger age than it does to pay down a mortgage sooner. You can estimate your retirement savings with the U.S. Social Security Administration's calculator.

Of course, investments don’t just rise; they fall, too, and their performance can fluctuate wildly with the financial markets. The returns, alas, aren’t usually as fixed as mortgage payments are. But that’s all the more reason to start investing sooner rather than later. Your portfolio has more time to recover from roller-coaster behavior by the market. And the stock market has historically risen over the long term.

Extra Mortgage Payments vs. Investing

Assume you have a 30-year mortgage of $150,000 with a fixed 4.5% interest rate. You'll pay $123,609 in interest over the life of the loan, assuming you make only the minimum payment of $760 each month. Pay $948 a month—$188 more—and you’ll pay off the mortgage in 20 years, and you’d save $46,000 in interest.

Now, let’s say you invested that extra $188 every month instead, and you averaged a 7% annual return. In 20 years, you’d have earned about $98,000—$52,000 ahead of the sum you saved in interest—on the funds you contributed. Keep depositing that monthly $188, though, for 10 more years, and you’d end up with almost $230,000 in earnings.

So while it may not make a huge difference over the short term, over the long term, you’ll likely come out far ahead by investing in your retirement account.

Compromise Position: Funding Both at Once

Between these two options lies a compromise—fund your retirement savings while making small additional contributions toward paying down your mortgage. This can be an especially attractive option in the early phases of the mortgage when small contributions can reduce the interest you'll ultimately pay. Or, if the market is being extremely volatile or spiraling downward, it might make more sense to pay down your mortgage instead of risking the loss of investment funds.

Since individual circ*mstances vary widely, there’s no one answer as to whether it’s better to pay down a mortgage or to save for retirement. In each case, you have to run your own numbers. Overall, however, don’t sacrifice the long-term savings goals of your retirement plan by focusing too much on your mortgage. By prioritizing your retirement-savings goals first, you can then decide if any additional savings are best spent on further contributions to your mortgage or on other investments.

In fact, you should balance paying down a mortgage against the return prospects of other, non-retirement savings options. For example, if your mortgage interest rate is far above what you can reasonably expect to earn, getting rid of it can be advantageous (and vice versa if you're paying a relatively low rate of interest ). Also, if you have an unusually high interest rate on your mortgage, it makes financial sense to pay down the debt first—or look into refinancing.

Why Would I Prioritize Paying Down My Mortgage Over Saving for Retirement?

The fact is, maybe you shouldn't. But if you insist, try to do it in the early years of your mortgage. By making extra payments early on—and reducing the principal on which you're being charged interest—you could pay considerably less in interest over the life of the loan.

Why Should I Prioritize Retirement Savings?

Consider this when thinking about saving for retirement: thanks to the joys of compound interest, money you invest today will grow and grow and be worth more by the time you're ready to enter the golden years. That's because it will be earning interest—and the interest will be earning interest—for a longer period of time. So each year you delay saving for retirement will hurt you a disproportionate amount.

What Are the Tax Considerations of Paying Off Your Mortgage?

If you need something to reduce the amount you owe Uncle Sam, the mortgage might be worth keeping. It’s tax-deductible if you itemize deductions on your income tax return.

The Bottom Line

Paying a mortgage off, or down, early is a great thing to be able to do. Starting early on saving for retirement is also great for your finances and your sense of well-being. The money you spend paying off your mortgage won't be compounding, and the rate at which it grows in an IRA or index fund will be greater than your rate of interest on your mortgage.

As an expert and enthusiast, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide insights on various topics. Let's dive into the concepts discussed in the article you provided.

Paying Down Your Mortgage First

When it comes to deciding between paying down your mortgage or saving for retirement, there are a few factors to consider. The article suggests that it's generally better to pay down your mortgage early, especially within the first 10 years. This is because, in the early years of a mortgage, a significant portion of your monthly payments goes toward interest rather than reducing the principal amount [[1]].

By making extra payments early on, you can reduce the principal on which you're being charged interest, potentially saving a considerable amount in interest over the life of the loan. The same principles of compound interest that apply to investments also apply to debts. By paying down more of your principal early, the savings are compounded over time [[1]].

Funding Your Retirement First

While paying down your mortgage early is beneficial, it's also important to start saving for retirement as early as possible. This is because of the power of compound interest. Money you invest today has more time to grow and earn interest, resulting in a larger retirement fund in the long run [[2]].

The article suggests that it generally makes more sense to prioritize retirement savings at a younger age than paying down a mortgage sooner. Delaying saving for retirement can have a disproportionate negative impact on your future financial well-being [[2]].

Extra Mortgage Payments vs. Investing

The article provides an example to illustrate the potential benefits of investing instead of making extra mortgage payments. Suppose you have a 30-year mortgage with a fixed interest rate. By making only the minimum payment, you'll pay a certain amount in interest over the life of the loan. However, if you invest the extra money instead, assuming a reasonable rate of return, you could potentially earn more in investment returns than the amount saved in interest payments [[3]].

While the short-term impact may not be significant, over the long term, investing in your retirement account can potentially yield higher returns compared to paying down your mortgage [[3]].

Compromise Position: Funding Both at Once

The article suggests a compromise between paying down your mortgage and saving for retirement. This approach involves making small additional contributions toward paying down your mortgage while also funding your retirement savings. This strategy can be particularly attractive in the early stages of your mortgage when small contributions can reduce the overall interest paid [[4]].

Individual circ*mstances vary, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to whether it's better to pay down a mortgage or save for retirement. It's important to run your own numbers and consider factors such as interest rates, tax considerations, and return prospects of other savings options [[4]].

Tax Considerations of Paying Off Your Mortgage

One important consideration when deciding whether to pay off your mortgage is the tax implications. Mortgage interest is tax-deductible if you itemize deductions on your income tax return. However, the tax deductibility of mortgage interest has certain limits based on the amount of the loan and the date it was incurred [[5]].

If you need deductions to reduce your tax liability, keeping the mortgage might be advantageous. However, it's important to consider the overall financial impact and weigh it against other factors such as investment returns and interest rates [[5]].

In conclusion, the decision between paying down your mortgage or saving for retirement is a complex one. While paying down your mortgage early can save on interest payments, starting retirement savings early can take advantage of compound interest. It's important to consider individual circ*mstances, run the numbers, and strike a balance between the two goals.

Spend or Save: Should I Pay Off My Mortgage or Invest for Retirement? (2024)


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